General Medicine

Our Practitioner will attend to your general medical concerns or for your
annual health Check, for: physical fitness certificates or just to check up on you.

The difference between winning the fight against life threatening illness and losing most times depends on how early you’re diagnosed and begin treatment.
This means going to the Doctor for persistent symptoms or for a check up on a yearly basis just to be sure.

Ignorance is definitely not bliss. It can cost your independence, livelihood, money and even your life.



A Check-Up helps with early detection of diseases which is important in

  – slowing the progress of degenerative conditions

 – treating terminal diseases before it reaches advanced stages


The advantage is that you remain on your feet longer
by avoiding premature death and eliminating
the need for care, reducing your suffering.

Check up on you

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Our mission is to provide the highest standard of quality care.

The Doxa Specialist Clinic 2018. All rights reserved.

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